PG&E is giving away free CFL light bulbs this month – a million in all. SF, here's where to get yours:
Thursday, Oct. 11, Richmond District Neighborhood Center, 741 30th Ave., 3:30-5:30
Saturday, Oct. 13, Union Square, Geary & Stockton, 10-5
Sunday, Oct. 14, Monster Park, 9:30-12
Monday, Oct. 15, Ping Yuen, 838 Pacific Ave., 9:30-3:30
Wednesday, Oct. 17, PG&E, 2270 Folsom @ 18th Street, 11-2, AND Excelsior Family Connection Center, 459 Vienna Street, 2-4
Thursday, Oct. 18, West Portal Muni Station, 7:30-9:30am, AND Sunset Beacon Center, Sunset @ Ortega, 2-5